- Vidura (brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra) caught on to Duryodhana's plan
- Sent for a miner, he snuck in and he built a tunnel in the floor of the palace into the woods
- Seems kind of silly, why not just fight or refuse to go inside?
- They escaped into the woods but Bhima wanted to go back and get revenge on Purochana (evil captain/guard)
- He set fire to his guard-house and he died
- A wind blew the flame to the palace where a homeless mother and her 5 sons had snuck into it to stay the night, they all died so it looked like Kunti and the Pandavas died, rumor spread back to Hastinapura, Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra thought their plan worked
- Bhima carried everyone through the forest
- Evil Rakasha, Hidimba, found them sleeping was hungry so sent his sister to slay them
- She fell in love with Bhima, turned into beautiful human and told him of her brother's plan
- Hidimba came pissed, fought with Bhima
- Bhima broke his back and killed him
- Bhima married her (does she not have a name?) because she begged and promised that she would protect them
- Had a child, Ghatotkacha
- Returned to Kunti and the Pandavas but Bhima, her and her son left, but he promised to aid them whenever they called
- Kunti and the brothers were at Ekachakra where they were begging for food, disguised as brahmins
- Some evil chief, Baka, was demanding food and a human every week from a different house in the town every week, Kunti wished that Bhima was there and he would take care of the problem, he appeared
- Bhima went with the sacrifice and killed Baka easily
- Kunti and brothers went to a festival/tournament to win Draupadi, beautiful woman with interesting birth (out of fire with a brother) princess of Panchala
- To win her, you must shoot an arrow through a wheel on a high pole and kill a goldfish through the eye with a really strong bow
- most couldn't even pull the bow
- Arjuna did it
- They came home and had to decide what brother would get her (obviously Arjuna right?)
- Draupadi is actually reincarnation of woman that was promised 5 husbands in her next life (prayed for a husband 5 times)
- They returned home and given a section of land, built a city, Indraprastha
- They made a rule that if one brother was sitting next to Draupadi and another brother entered the room, he would have to go into exile for 12 years (kind of ridiculous)
- Arjuna got exiled and met Ulupi, daughter of Vasuki kind of the nagas, had a child Iravat, and she gave him the power to be invisible in water
- He went into a river, after warnings not to from holy men, alligator bit his leg
- He dragged it to shore and it really was a girl that was cursed (and 4 others) because she tried to make a holy man sin
- Curse broken by Arjuna dragging her to shore
- He broke the curse for all 5 girls, they left through the water
- He married a woman in Manipur, stayed for 3 years, had a son, and left
- Arjuna went to Dwaraka, stole away Krishna's sister, Subhadra. Krishna told him to abduct her because that was the advice from the sages?
- Balarama (brother?) was pissed and said he's slay Arjuna and his brothers
- Ended up sending messengers to ask him to return so they could be married there, they did
- His exile was over so he went home
- Draupadi had a son for each husband (5)
- Subhadra has one son, Abhimanyu
- Arjuna helped brahmin Maya eat the forest so he built the Pandavas an amazing palace, made Durodhana jealous (he's jealous all the time)
- Yudhishthira claimed himself supreme monarch over everyone everywhere after Pandavas defeated anyone that would not follow him
- Yudhishthira played a gambling dice game against Duryodhana but Shakuni played for him (evil plan by Duryodhana because Shakuni had loaded dice) and Yuhishthira lost everything, kingdom and all even Draupadi, to Duryodhana
- Draupadi wished and Dhritarashtra granted that Yudhishthira would not be called a slave and that Arjuna and Bhima and their younger brothers be set free, so they went back home
- Played dice again so the brothers would have to go into exile for 12 years (Duryodhana trying to avoid a war)
The Swayamvara of Draupadi, Wikipedia. |
Public Domain Edition Mahabharata, link to reading.
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