Friday, March 3, 2017

Growth Mindset: The Sleeper

The video talked about how a teacher, Michael Wesch, was getting extremely frustrated with a kid sleeping in his class everyday. I finally had enough and asked him why he always slept in his class. The teacher learned something surprising; they kid was actually working on a very important project at night.
I think this video really shows for one not to judge someone because you have no idea what they are going through. Also, that just because someone isn't good at one thing, like a particular class, that doesn't mean that they aren't amazing at other things. I think when teachers and the school system put restraints on students, it limits their creativity and growth. Being forced to take a class that isn't interesting at all of helpful for that particular person, will not help them grow into the person they want to become.
Sleeping in Class, Wikimedia Commons
I watched The Sleeper on Youtube by Michael Wesch.

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