Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week 8 Growth Mindset

I seem to be putting myself to go farther in this class much more than my other classes; I do the bare minimum for most classes. At work, however, I tend to go past the expectations. I like to stay in my comfort zone for most things so writing stories and getting feedback from others was definitely something new that helped me get out of my bubble. I 100% focus on grades and not learning. I partially blame that on the school system for making grades seem so important and my parents were always expecting a good report card. I also tend to choose what is easy and not challenge myself. I hate spending time practicing; I want to be good at things quickly. This class has helped me not do assignments at the last minute because I am getting closer and closer to the 410 points I need to get an A. I can see the end. I compare myself to others frequently and I am not very confident in my abilities. Writing a few stories in this class, that I actually were really proud of, has helped my confidence. Because this class is so freely structured and you get full points for completing the assignment, it has shown me my real intentions. At first, I just wanted to do the assignment and get the grade. Now, I feel like I really do want to put in my best work even though it won't make a difference in the grade book.
Work Harder, Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I completely understand and agree with you - getting feedback from your peers really helps and is a true eye opener. This is one of the most fun classes that I have taken and it makes me want to write more and 'dig deeper' into my creative styles.
