Saturday, February 18, 2017

Famous Last Words: Stress, stress, stress

I honestly am not a fan of the Mahabharata so far. There are too many people that I am trying to keep up with and too many small events. To me there hasn't been the big conflict yet that I like. I like the Ramayana much better. I can still remember all the characters and the events of the Ramayana but I can't remember anyone from the Mahabharata even though I have read part A and B.

I wrote a story this week that I actually really liked! It is titled Hunky Hanuman. It's a twist on the ending of the Ramayana (the one part of the story I absolutely did not like). When I sat down to start writing, I really was not feeling it and it took me quite a while to figure out where to start. As I started writing though, the juices started flowing and I think it's my favorite story yet. Hopefully everyone else likes it too!

This weekend is pretty stressful. Besides the work for this class, I have to write a lab report (first one of the semester), do my pre-lab work for the same class, and prepare for my essay exam in my African Repercussions class that is on Monday (first exam of the semester). Luckily he gave us the prompts for both of the essays that will be on the exam but I am still worried about how to fit all the information into a flowing essay and if I will remember all the information on Monday.

This week has also brought many of other random stressful things. My great grandmother is in the hospital again and I know she is so tired. It's hard because her and my great grandfather live an hour and a half away from where I live, so it's really hard to just stop everything and go up there. She is 83 or 84 years old.

My car needs a part replaced, AGAIN. I'm trying to work out a deal with my mom for her to give me her car and she get a new one (which she is wanting to do anyway but not necessarily this soon). So we'll see. Car problems are really stressful for me because I have to commute 45+ minutes to school and then 30 minutes to work. No one has time to drive me around time, and I cant' afford to miss class or work.

Hopefully everything will calm back down in a few days!

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