This video really shed light on why we (or mostly just I) procrastinate. When we do things that are more enjoyable, like Facebook, video games, snacking, Netflix, our brain gets dopamine because we are being rewarded. So we chose to do those things instead of the work we need to do, because we are getting more rewarded. Like for example, searching through Facebook, we feel we are rewarded for every small thing we read or watch, but that paper or lab report you've been putting off is only one reward (finishing and turning it in) and its not immediate, its later in the future. It is not as satisfying. I always say "future me is going to hate past me" because it is true 99% of the time. I hardly ever do things early.
I think they key to not procrastinating is to reward yourself (with Facebook, video games, etc.) only after you have done the tasks you need to do. Also, have positive thoughts about what you are doing. "This paper is going to be so great and I'm getting it done" and not "ugh do I have to write this?" Feel accomplished and rewarded when you are being productive.
I watched the video "The Science of Procrastination" on
Youtube by AsapScience.
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